We connect scientists.

Collaboratory is a platform that makes it easier for scientists to post projects and find others who are working on similar things. Use Collaboratory to connect with potential collaborators — whether it’s finding collaborators for your own research project or simply looking to network.

It’s easy: just post the details of your project, and then look through other projects that have been posted by other scientists. You can even search by keyword or region if you’re not sure where you’d like to start.

Unlike other networks, if a scientist has a profile on Collaboratory — they are actively looking for collaborators.

If there’s a project on Collaboratory that catches your eye, reach out! Just click “send message” and contact them.

What Is Collaboratory?

Collaboratory is an online platform that helps scientists discover and connect to potential collaborators.

Science is built on collaboration, but it’s hard to find the right people to work with. With Collaboratory, you can search for researchers working in your field who are interested in similar projects, so you can get started on your next big idea together.

Does Collaboratory Cost Money?

Collaboratory is currently free to use. We strongly believe that science should be open to all. By making the platform freely available, we aim to:

  • Foster Collaboration: Open science encourages researchers, students, and enthusiasts from all backgrounds to connect, share ideas, and build upon each other’s work.
  • Accelerate Discovery: When knowledge is freely shared, scientific progress can happen at a faster pace, leading to groundbreaking discoveries that benefit everyone.
  • Increase Accessibility: Open science removes barriers that may prevent individuals from participating in or benefiting from scientific research, regardless of their financial circumstances.

What are the Limitations of the Free Tier?

The free tier currently limits you to one project at a time.

What if I Need More Than One Project?

We understand that some users may require more than one project. While we don’t offer paid accounts at this time, our pricing structure may be subject to change in the future. In the meantime, please feel free to contact us to discuss your options and needs.

How Do I Use Collaboratory?

You can use Collaboratory in two ways. First, as a PI (Principal Investigator) looking for someone to collaborate on your existing project, or as a co-PI – you can browse for projects to contribute to.

Why Should I Use Collaboratory Instead Of The Existing Listservs And Member Portals From My Professional Society, Or Through My Existing Network?

Science increasingly depends on collaboration. And for cutting-edge science, those collaborations must be interdisciplinary. But finding collaborators is hard. 

  • Tapping into online professional networks is inefficient because these are not the intended use. 
  • Listservs and professional society member portals are behind expensive membership paywalls, creating a barrier to finding diverse collaborators. 
  • The pandemic upended traditional ways of working and networking. Exploring potential collaborations remotely means more people can participate in science who otherwise would be excluded, for example, because of prohibitive costs of conference travel or lack of childcare.
  • Existing networks can be insular and hard to break into as an outsider.

Do You Have Tips For Pis On Creating A Good Project Listing?

We know from team science research that being transparent and upfront about expectations (time commitment, roles, contributions, authorship guidelines) are important for the development and growth of collaborations. We recommend being realistic and specific about what you expect co-PIs to contribute. This might include defining time commitments (is this a 1 hour/week or a 1 hour/month opportunity?), co-authorship guidelines, funding available (or not available). 

Do You Have Tips For Co-Pis On Reaching Out To Potential Pis?

Be honest and realistic about your contributions. Don’t overextend yourself. It’s better to contribute to one project well, than to several projects poorly.

What Are The Rules Of Engagement?

No assholes. No toxicity. 

We Believe in a Safe and Equal Workplace

Collaboratory was founded on the principle of creating a safe space for every collaborator and employee, where no one ever has to feel silenced or excluded because of their race, gender, or sexuality.

Why Did You Create Collaboratory?

I was frustrated with antiquated ways of doing science. As an outsider, it’s easier to disrupt the status quo. But it’s hard to break into established networks or find ‘your people’. This is a challenge common for minorities. So we built a platform for making those connections with like-minded scientists and disruptors.

Read about our story.

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